Saturday, July 2, 2011

Comfort me, comfort food!

I know, I know, this blog is terribly out of order. But I had to start with where I started taking pictures of my creations, so here we are with chicken noodle soup and rolls.

Actually, chicken noodle soup can be had anytime in my opinion!! And I did make up this recipe myself and have tweaked it over the years, which makes me feel pretty excited! And it's a crockpot recipe. What more can you ask for?

These rolls. These rolls I would just love to take credit for, but alas, they are from a woman in my church from my growing up days. She had 8 kids and when you have 8 kids, you best know how to make a su-weet roll! And she does. These are the best ever. Flaky, soft, crusty, yummy, don't even need butter. So good my brother in law had 8, yes 8!!!

Chicken Noodle Soup
3 cups water
1 can chicken broth
2 bouillon cubes
About 8-10 chicken legs
Cut up one onion
4 celery stalks

Cook on crockpot on low for 6 hours or so, till meat is falling off of bones

Take meat off bones and replace into broth. Add about 1 cup of carrots and wait till soft. Then put in curly egg noodles, I use no yolks, but you can use whatever floats your boat. 1 Tablespoon thyme. Must you thyme!!! Wait till soft. Oh, it's yummy!!!

Vicki Deaver’s Rolls

½ c. warm water

2 T. yeast (Let the water, yeast and sugar sit together for 10 minutes. They will start to bubble. It will make everything fluffier!)

½ c. sugar

Let sit for 10 minutes.

1 stick soft butter

1 c. warmed milk

2 eggs

1 t. salt

5 c. flour

Turn into a knot aka make into a snake and then a knot.

400 for 12 minutes


  1. Sounds great!! I've been looking for a chicken noodle soup/ crock pot recipe that didn't take too much to make...:)Thanks!

  2. Great, Cindy!! Let me know how it works out for you. This even fed my family and another of the same size with leftovers because it makes so much!
