Thursday, July 7, 2011

Friday's Favorite

Custom Painting Marjoca Spain
I decided that Friday would be my day to talk about something I think is totally awesome. And today would be my friend Jessica Durrant. Yes, this person is my friend! We have known each other since high school and she has truly blossomed into an amazing and inspired artist. She is fun, hilarious and so talented! Her artwork is very affordable! The above painting hangs in my house, YES, my house!! My husband went to Spain on a mission for our church and lost his camera. So, sad. No pictures of beautiful and amazing Spain. Jessica is a traveler and I knew she could get this just right. Blake had been to this place before. I gave this to him for Christmas and don't tell, but he possibly did or did not get teary eyed.

Funky Skirt Color Print
This is one of my personal favorites. I wish I had a boudoir to hang this in! And a little stool where I would sit and make my face for the day with my powder poof and then I would have my corset put on. All the while, I would be listening to classical music from my gramophone. Ok, I think I may have been born in the wrong time period?

Also, this butterfly girl is one of my daughters favorites.
Watercolor Travel Illustration - Midnight in a Perfect NY print

She also does a lot of scenery/traveling type of work. She can do custom work. She is all around awesome!!! Check her out: Amazing Jessica!

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