Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Thinking Thursday: Holocaust/WWII books

I will start by saying, I am a reader. I got my degree in English education because I love reading and I love learning new things. I love getting lost in a book and reading it until 2 in the morning and makes a really grumpy Heather the next day. I love having super weird dreams after I read a book I have been totally engrossed in. I love telling my husband about those dreams because he gets a kick out of them.
I love reading.
Enough said.
I couldn't possibly have a blog without sharing books I love with anyone who reads this. I have a strange obsession with Holocaust and WWII. Don't ask me why. I just do. It might be the sadness of the whole thing or the victory of the human spirit or simply the thought, "How could this have happened?!" (My favorite movie is also Life is Beautiful)
This is a children's book and the first book I read about WWII. I think I was in 4th grade and I read it in one hour. Some stories are written, but this story is told. It is told from the perspective of a 9 year old girl who hasn't been damaged by the true realities of the war. And maybe this is what makes this book so intriguing to me. She is innocent and doesn't understand the war. And in my innocence, I too, did not understand the war, but this book helps you to understand true friendship and innocence and bravery. A must read!
And now I just found out that it is being made into a movie.

This is a wonderful read. Another one that required me to give myself a bedtime of 1 AM or I would regret it the next day. It is told from the perspective of "Death". Yes, the hooded, cloaked, scythed creepy dude. And it is so interesting and wonderful. And my friend Marie wrote a much more interesting post on it. You can find it here. Marie's review

This for sure is one of the most difficult reads I have ever read. I am happy I read it once and I will never be able to read it again. That being said, you should read this book! Go get it now! Learn!! It's about a young girl in France during WWII and the atrocities that the French committed against the Jews during that time. It is a very shameful time in that history, so not very well publicized. You will love this book though and it will change you and you will be grateful for it. I hear it is being made into a movie. I don't know if I will be able to see it. Don't let me discourage you from reading this book. That is not my intent!! I am just warning you that this is difficult. It is not grotesque by any means, but it is just a sensitive subject.

If you need these then I must share with you about paperback swap. The coolest ever book swap online. You post books you are done with, people order them, you get credits, you get books you want. Easy as that. Cheap shipping. Most ship for $2-3. Here is a link. Paperback swap

If you do/have read these books, let me know what you think of them! Reading is truly my first love. (Minus my hubby and kiddie cats.)


  1. I also have always been intrigued with the Holocaust, as a kid I'd always check them out and loved reading them. I'm actually reading The Hiding Place right now. THanks for the Sarah's Key sugggestion

  2. I may be the only one who didn't love it, but I actually didn't care for Sarah's Key. I thought the overall tone was too dark - not just the Holocust part, but the modern day story as well. Two others I definitely would recommend though are "The Book Thief" and "Milkweed." I have them both, so you're welcome to borrow them if you like.

  3. OK, for whatever reason, when I looked at this the first time, I was looking at it on my phone, and the picture of "The Book Thief" didn't come up on Facebook, and it didn't come up in your post (my phone does weird things like that sometimes).... I thought your only reviews were of "Number the Stars" and "Sarah's Key." So, um, apparently my last comment should only recommend "Milkweed." :)

  4. Jessica, I read Hiding Place and loved it. Such great people!!
    Mitzi, I totally agree with you, but it's like it needs to be read just once for people to understand that part?
