Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fat Friday: Indoor S'mores

If you want a chance at these bad boys, tell me one fun thing you will be doing the last week before school starts!

You will want these s'mores! They are addicting. My best roommate in college, Mikaila shared these with us and we would eat them in 1 or 1/2 a day, ok in 1 hour, so sue me! I have tried other recipes and these are truly the best!! The best, I tell you!!

This picture courtesty of Tatortots and Jello: Mine are the same, just haven't made them yet!

8 c. cereal

5 c. marshmallows

1 c. marshmallows (garnish)

1 ½ c. chocolate chips

¼ c. corn syrup

5 T. butter

1 t. vanilla

Microwave marshmallows, chips, syrup, butter uncovered 2-3 min. Stir after every minute. Stir in vanilla. Mix with cereal and marshmallows.


  1. I will be... Birthday shopping. And celebrating my cute niece's birthday (:

  2. These look great! I love s'mores and these look nice and easy.

  3. Wowzers! We are going to the dentist and the eye dr. next week! I know we are lame! :)

  4. We are hopefully doing one on one dates with each of the kids and maybe a trip to the YMCA pool.

  5. Yay, Michelle is the winner. Good thing too, cause she's my sister and can punch harder than anyone I know!!=)

  6. I guess I had a lot of practice when I was younger, huh? ...and got my punches out of my system back then. hehehe
    Love you!!
