Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Meet My Friend: Notes She Wrote

Hey there, Belles Bazaar!

I'm Marie, one of Heather's old college friends and the oldest of the four sisters at Notes She Wrote ( I guess I'm just old! Heather and I used to live in the same apartment complex, and her recent post about ID had me all homesick for living life, Idaho style. Oh, what I would do to go bridge jumping right now. :)

Anyway, Heather asked me to guest post and I'm thrilled to be here, especially since she said I can talk about anything! So, I thought I'd list my top five favorite things I love to do with my sisters, and you better believe "cooking, crafting and funning" are all in there!

1. We love to go thrift shopping together. You should see us try on a million things and then leave the store feeling like bandits...Is this for real? I spent less than $50 and came home with like 25 things?? And then we come home and try on everything again and model them for each other.
2. We love a good photoshoot! I'm a photographer who is lucky enough to have three gorgeous and stylin' sister models on my hands. When we get together, we combine our creative juices and usually come away with some great pictures. My sister just younger than me (LuLu) has recently caught the photobug, too, so who knows? Maybe this little photography passion will trickle down the sisterhood and we'll be four photographing sisters! (Now that would be cool.)
3. When we get together, we like to eat good food! Problem is, none of us really has a passion for cooking, except Emma, thank goodness. So, when we're together she usally spoils us rotten and cooks and bakes for us and acts like she loves it (I think she really does!). Chocolate Chip Banana Bread, yummm.
4. We all have a thing for music. I play the piano, Lu plays the violin, Emma plays the guitar, and Lissie sings (and plays the piano and guitar...we call her the star child because she dances, too :)). Anyway, we love creating together, and a recent favorite creation is a song my youngest sister Lissie and I wrote together about my my three kids. It's called Pixie Dust ( I wrote the lyrics ( and she wrote the music and did the vocals. I cry every time I listen to that song!

5. Last but not least, we like to get our craft on. Picture the four of us sitting around my kitchen table. I'm sewing up some bandana bibs (, Lauren's giving one of her thrifted animal print shirts a makeover (, Emma's nearby making us an banana split ice cream cake (, and Lissie's rockin' out singing a favorite song (
But the bummer is, usually we're not together in person. I'm married with three kids and living up in Washington, Lulu's married and has a baby boy clear out in Texas, Emma's down in Utah with her hubby and baby girl, and 16-year-old Lissie is living the teenager life still at home in Germany. So, to keep in touch and share our passion for all things creative we recently started a blog called "Notes She Wrote (!" We'd love it if you stopped by!

And thanks SO much for having us here on your awesome blog, Heather! There are seriously so many gems in here!


Here's the video of their song Pixie Dust, which Marie wrote and Lisie plays and sings. It will have you hugging your babies and never want to let go!

I love Marie! She is the one sister I know and all the rest of her sisters seem to be just and adorable and fun as she is.=) She is an amazing photographer and all the sisters have their own special talents. So, go stop by and see them and thanks for posting, Notes She Wrote!!

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