Thursday, October 6, 2011

3 Awesome Etsy People I Know and LOVE!!!

It is approximately 53 degrees out here in the desert. Cold for us! 100 degrees on Sunday to 50 on Thursday......does not compute!

Anyway, thought it might be fun to share 3 great etsy shops with you. There are so many, it is hard sometimes to get around, you know?

I know these 3 people personally! Not through facebook, not online, but for reals, I know them! And love them. They are great and talented and you would be very happy to check out their stores and buy stuff even!

1) Mitzi: We go to the same church. She is an amazing mom who has had to deal with lots and lots of changes and hard things in life and still has a smile on her face. Not to mention, she looks totally amazing after having had 5 kids! She is a great seamstress, really impressive! She makes these absolutely adorable bonnets. I love them! I wish my little girl would wear hats so she would wear this. Although Mitzi did say her 5 year old asked to wear the bonnet so she could clean house "like Little House on the Prairie." Motivation for me!

Baby Bonnet - 12 month size

2) RisC was one of my college roommates about 10 years ago! She makes some absolutely adorable rosette earrings, but my personal favorites are her crocheted hair bows. She has little boys ties and just lots of fun stuff! So, so cute! She is so talented.


White Crocheted Headband with Rose Flower Clip Set, choose your size- adult,child, and baby sizes available

3) Jessica, my good ol' high school friend who some of you might have come across already. She is an amazing painter, watercolorist, etc. Plus, she's hilarious and just stinking awesome! She put her stuff on etsy about a year ago and is now getting featured all over the place. She has the most whimsical and sophisticated fashion work.

Watercolor Fashion Illustration: The Black Swan print
Go support these awesome women!! You'll be glad you did!=)


  1. You are so nice! Thank you for posting about my shop and blog! You're the best :)
