Monday, December 19, 2011

Our Family Christmas Traditions

I am not a huge tradition person. There is so much to do around the holidays, that sometimes adding more will make you crazy! But we do these....

1) We have a "book elf". Every year, he has dropped a wrapped Christmas book at our house secretly. I alternate a Santa book with a Jesus book. We have quite the collection of Christmas books and the kids totally love it!

2) I got each person an ornament each year that reminds me of them. I have been able to find some for a dollar or two at Target. When they move out (sad) someday, they will have their own stash to take with them.

3) I stole this from my friend. On Christmas Eve, we have a dinner that Jesus would have had. We have chicken (not fish, because hubby is allergic and kids won't eat) and homemade bread and grape juice. And we make a birthday cake for Jesus. We read the Christmas story. We also read Santa and the Christ Child (our elf book this year). For some reason, it is 38 dollars on Amazon, but I got it on for the cost of shipping.

4) We make Christmas sugar cookies, decorate them and deliver them. Then we take some to friends. Original, I know, but my kids love it!

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