Monday, January 9, 2012

Grrrreat Grrrean Beans!

Here is a semi-healthy recipe to get us off to a good start in the New Year.
Green Beans really are one of my favorite vegetables, minus squash and peas. When I was in college, I would eat a bowl of peas just for fun! And I have been known to eat squash at all times of the day. My mom doesn't like vegetables, so what's wrong with me?!=)
Nothing is better than fresh green beans! And this is how I make mine.
Cut off the pointy end.
Bring a pot of water to a boil and boil for 3-4 minutes, until they are fork tender, but not squishy. Blanche them in cold water. So, pretty much throw them into cold water for a minute to stop the cooking process.
Put them back in the pot.
Add 1 tablespoon butter
Add some minced onions
Add some garlic salt
Eat and love them!!

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