Wellllll, the craziest part of my life is occurring right now! My husband got offered a great job in Quad Cities, Illinois and we are taking it. We are moving this Saturday across the river from Illinois to a cute little town called, LeClaire, Iowa. It is going to be an adventure. We are going to drive there over 4 days with our 3 kids.....
And yes, I am 35 weeks pregnant. No, we don't have any family out there. Yes, we are still looking for a renter for our house in Las Vegas, NV (Here's the link: http://lasvegas.craigslist.org/apa/2869720200.html) Yes, I know everything will be ok! Times of learning and growth are good, although hard. For a long time, we knew a change was coming, just weren't sure what.
So, here we are heading off in a few days. Recipes will not be coming for awhile unless I have a free night to upload and schedule all the recipes and pictures I have saved. Maybe, yes. Maybe, no!
I love all your comments and glad to hear you are enjoying the blog. Hope to be in the blogging arena again soon!
Best of luck on your transition! I believe we go where we are meant to be.