Saturday, May 11, 2013

Hope Smiling Brightly

Wow, it is has been a good long while.  We are still alive and well here in Iowa.  I was awakened at 2 am by my 13 month old and haven't been able to fall back asleep!  In my desperation to get tired, I checked my email and found this amazing blog.  (I am kind of starting to get tired).  It is called Hope Smiling Brightly and is about grief.  This mother lost her two year old in a choking incident but has managed to rise above and help others in so many ways.  She is amazing and I am wishing I had found her a long time ago, so thank you 13 month old for waking me up so I could find this!  

She is also giving away a cruise, yes, a cruise! A family trip, really? So, I am blogging about this in the hopes of winning a trip to Ireland/Spain.  And you can too, just go here!

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