Sunday, September 22, 2013


I came across this blog that does "five minute friday".  It's a five minute writing prompt where you write freely and post, no editing or changing.  Wow, this might do wonders for me. Might need to do this everyday!  It's a little tough more to publish something so raw, but isn't that part of life?  It is hard to open the heart but easier to do in writing for me.  The writing prompt today was: "She"

She walks unknowingly towards the future.  Not looking back, but only forward, forge forward because to look back would be to give in to past fears and problems.  To walk forward is her goal.  She moves to the next day because today is what counts.  Today is the day that she can make her best! She can improve.  She will improve.  And when she doesn’t, she will look forward and try again the next day.  She knows her strengths. She knows her weaknesses.  She knows she is tired but still willing to head in a good direction.  A direction that is right for her.  She loves the life she has.  She is burnt out.  She is lazy.  She is independent but so very dependent on those who need her.  She constantly says, “Hold on. I am helping someone.”  She wonders when is my time? When is my time to live.  She knows that today is her time to live.  She knows that life is hers. That this life has been created for her, by Him and by her.  By her own choosing and free will.  And she is grateful for that.  She knows she can’t possibly say enough of how much she loves it.  She can’t say enough about how much it frustrates her.  She is a person.  She is a woman!  She is a lover of many things: reading, writing, baking, running, painting, singing, bubbles, green grass, sunsets and rises.  She is a lover of her children, 4, both great and terrible. She is above all, a lover of her husband. The one she started this journey with.  The one she sees at the end of the day with joy.  She is.


  1. And...she is wonderful! Love you friend!!!

  2. Hi Heather. I am stopping by to read your "She" post and to thank you for your kind comment on mine. I really loved this part of what you wrote: "When is my time to live. She knows that today is her time to live. She knows that life is hers. That this life has been created for her, by Him and by her." Yes, He has created our life ... what a lovely thought. And yet, we also have a say in it by our free will. May we please Him with how we choose to live this life.~Cassandra, visiting from FMF
