Monday, September 30, 2013

Small (Five minute post)


My favorite line from the movie "You've got Mail" is "I live a small life.  Well, valuable but small.  And sometimes I wonder, do I do it because I like it or because I haven't been brave?"

18 months ago, my family of 5 moved to a small town in Iowa, 3,000 people small, from Las Vegas.  Our life became even smaller when our 4th baby, William was born just two weeks after we moved.  We lived in the trees, had a few neighbors and life was small.  The obligations were smaller.  We were very content to stay at home and hang out with our new baby and just enjoy this small life. I had a feeling it wouldn't last too long.  I didn't like that feeling, but I just knew it wouldn't.  Going from the big city of my youth to this small town was one of the most refreshing moves of my life.  Small is sometimes looked at as a bad thing.  But small was just what I needed at this time. I needed to have the security if knowing my little kids could play outside and be safe. I needed to know that the smaller school we went to was the perfect school for them. I needed the small library that was so kid friendly. I needed to feel secure and small and almost unimportant.  I needed this time to reflect and realize the wonderful blessings I had been given.  Our small life brought us closer together.  We became best friends.  We were a small circle of 6 people pushing and making it through a hard move, but still the best move of our lives.  Small is a blessing.  Small brought me to the realization of my purpose in this world, my purpose as a mother and as a person.  Small made me feel at home.  I have been brave and moved across the country while largely pregnant, but to come to a place where I could recognize myself was so valuable.  And small brought me to that understanding.

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