Saturday, October 12, 2013

Ordinary (five minute prompt)

Ordinary (Five minute prompt from Lisa Jo Baker)

A red radio flyer tricycle, plastic, not metal like those from my childhood.

A small girl, dark bob flying behind her

Shoulders hunched, legs circling wildly, laughter flowing

Hands grasping handles and holding tightly,

Wheel moving haphazardly, carelessly

Occasionally raising her legs into the air, screaming with laughter

At her wild and adventurous ways

“That is so cute.” an older man says one day

And smiles.  I am sure he is remembering days with his own young children.

An ordinary tricycle made extraordinary by a raven haired four year old

No inhibitions.  No pretentions.  

No knowledge of flaws or of an audience watching her.

Captivated by her free spirit and lack of concern for others impressions of her.

A cherry red tricycle, symbol of childhood and a growing girl.

One who can make an ordinary object become extraordinary.


  1. through the eyes of a child, the world would be so much better. little ones they fall and get up. walking/running/tumbling/climbing/whatever. Its simple to them. We adults we just falter not even fall and we find an excuse as to why and another as to why we will not try again.

  2. I love it!!! Takes me back. And reminds me to watch more closely at my own beautiful grandchildren... God bless!!
