Friday, November 1, 2013


Five minute prompt from Lisa Jo Baker


Well, I wrote about mercy here and I didn’t admit to understanding mercy.  Now, on to grace.  Which goes hand in hand with mercy.  Grace, in a few words to me, is….

Poise.  Walking with grace and being very agile and demure and lovely.  I am a little more clumsy than I would like to admit, so this is a great vision.

Someone who doesn’t hate on someone for being mean to them.  They let that person slide by and because of grace and good behavior, they look over the cruelties done by another.

My Savior, Jesus Christ, who gives me grace because He loves me and knows me better than anyone else.  He offers me grace as a pass.  I do my best and I repent and try my hardest to change and Jesus makes up for the rest with grace.  And I try to emulate that in my own life.  With my own kids. I try to let them have a pass on the hard days.  I try to not be so hard on them that they are resentful and angry at me.  I try to give them grace and help them to see that being mean and hard isn’t the right way.  That there is a time for kindness and there is a time for insistence. I hope that I can figure out grace and share it with those around me.

1 comment:

  1. Grace is such a hard thing to extend sometimes, isn't it? I'm a kindergarten teacher and God is definitely teaching ME this year. About grace and patience and SO many other things!

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on grace today! Stopped by from FMF :-)
