Tuesday, November 12, 2013

View (5 minute post)


Do you ever just look in the mirror and get a view of yourself?  One that is so different from the “you” you used to be?  I did.  I saw my wrinkles by my eyes, crows feet, as they are fondly referred to.  A patch of gray hairs on the right of my part, hidden by the way I style my hair.  Smile lines by my mouth, and thinking lines on my brow.  Those didn’t get me though.  What did get to me was my hands. they are looking softer and more krinkled.  More like a woman and less like a 20 year old.  They remind me of my mom’s hands.  The view I have of myself now is that I am no longer a college student or young mother, though in my heart, I feel like a 20 year old.  When I run into my son’s 27 year old teacher and I think I am in the same stage of life as her and I realize that I am not!  That I haven’t been for years and something inside of me hurts a little.  Hurts for that person that I was.  But also finds joy in the person I have become.  I have aged some, I am not considering myself “old” by any means, but it is amazing how time sneaks up on you.  And you wake up and have two kids in school and two at home and are thinking, “Wow, my last baby will be my last baby.”  And that stage will end.  And I view things in a completely different way.

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