Friday, February 21, 2014

Small (5 minute post)

Small 2/21/14


Changing a diaper, a small thing, but it teaches you to keep clean.

Reading a book, a small thing, but it teaches you to love books, words and to grow an imagination.

A tickle fight, a small thing, but it teaches you to laugh and that our home is a safe place for fun.

Setting the table, a small thing, but it teaches you to help our family.

Giving a hug, a small thing, but it teaches you that physical touch is a necessity for growth.

Saying “I love you”, a small thing, but it teaches you to use words that mean something.  That saying these words can be the difference between a good day and a bad one.

Chasing outside, a small thing, but it teaches you that exercise and fun are important.

Learning ABC’s, a small thing, but it teaches you that an education will help you go places.

Saying “No” sometimes, a small thing, but it teaches you that you don’t need everything and that “No” can also mean, “I love you.”

Saying “Yes” sometimes, a small thing, but it teaches you that you should say yes more than you say no.

Taking a shower, a small thing, but it teaches you to take care of yourself.

Laughing, a small thing, but it teaches you to not take life so seriously.

Picking up your toys, a small thing, but it teaches you that our family works together to keep a clean house.

Going to church, a small thing, but it teaches you that God is our maker and that He provided our life here.

Praying, a small thing, but it teaches you humility and to have a relationship of faith.

All these small things, and many more, teach you how to be a parent, a most blessed calling.


  1. Hi Belle! What a beautiful look into the lasting impact of day-to-day sorrows and joys. Thanks for looking deeper at the small things!

  2. Thank you Rachel. It is good for me to review why the small things add up to a big thing. Because somedays the small things make me crazy! =)
