Saturday, April 12, 2014

Paint (5 minute prompt)


I just read a quote the other day that said, "If you can't paint, then you write.  If you can't write, then you paint."  I am not a painter. I can hold my own with my kid's Crayola paints and do a pretty fancy flower, but nothing worth writing home about or selling on etsy.  I don't even have a real desire to paint, but when I write, it's the painter in me coming out.  I want to use the perfect words and the perfect phrases to paint a picture.  To paint a scene or event or moment.  And I want that moment to be painted in my memory forever.  That is why I write about it.  I know that if I can retell the experience just so, then I can paint a picture for my reader.  A picture that can hurt or help or heal or inspire or cause laughter.  I have a high school friend, Jessica, who is an amazing painter.  She can watercolor like nobody's business.  She makes it look so simple. She gets up with a vision and puts the vision on paper and sells it even!  She has style and variety and color and beautiful paintings.  I have five of them hanging in my house.  I even have an original that she painted for my husband of Spain.  I love the paintings!  While I might not be a big painter, I hope that I can paint with my words.  That I can describe that sunset with whisps of gold, intertwined with pinks and purples.  Those that cover the sky with a burst of watercolor and stand out against the blue.  And as the sun goes down, the colors deepen and change until there is only a line across the horizon of what had been.


  1. The awesome thing I like to remember as a writer? When God made this world, He painted with words! And God said . . . and there was.

    Keep up the word-painting!

  2. "I want that moment to be painted in my memory forever" -yes! Me too!:) I love pictures, but I too write so the moment will be painted in my memory forever. you have said it well!

  3. I can't paint either, but that is always a talent I wished I had. Although, if I had to choose between writing and painting, I think I'd choose writing every time! :)

    Beautiful sunset and lovely description!

  4. I try to paint and love to write, I had a great teacher who explain you are building, in many ways it is like writing #AtoZchallenge ☮Peace ☮ ღ ONE ℒℴνℯ ღ ☼ Light ☼ visiting from

  5. I love challenging my creativity. This month its writing in A to Z ( but it can be painting, or cooking any other time. Not saying I'm good at any, just love the play! Good luck with the last few days in April!

  6. LOVE the picture! New follower here. I'm stopping by from the "A to Z" challenge, and I look forward to visiting again.


  7. I really admire people who can paint and write. Such talent!
