Friday, May 2, 2014

Mess (5 minute prompt)

A cloudy day turned into a sunny Spring day, the day after May Day.  A mud pile awaits in the neighbors yard, freshly mushed with rain.  Dump trucks and tractors awaiting a good push and a good play.  A two year old boy, sometimes called "Baby Boy", though he is the size of a three year old, eyes those trucks.  He yells out "truck" in pure anticipation and excitement of what is to come.  He knows he will mush up that mud and squish it with his fingers.  He knows it will be a completely heavenly experience.  He walks over grabs that mud and tosses it into a puddle.  He grabs some more and tosses some more. It is messy.  It is a great and messy time.  His hands are brown and gooey and he looks at them and loves them!  He loves the feel and the fun and the mess.  His favorite fun is a mess.  A little boy mess that covers his hands.  A bath will be needed.  Something to wash away the mess.  But the mess will be back again tomorrow.  The excitement will be back and the newness.  And my two year old with his chubby hands and love of dirt will look at me with the sweetest eyes and say "truck".  The breeze will blow and the sun will shine through the leaves of the trees and I will get another glimpse of little boy heaven.


  1. Love your post! This is the kind of mess that makes me smile! I can't wait for the warmer weather to come here in Winnipeg, MB so that my girls can be making those messes again! I know they are really itching to get at it! :)

  2. What a lovely picture you paint.

  3. As I was reading, I was thinking that the only thing that would make this post even better is a picture of that baby boy! Love this!

  4. I love your description and word choice! Such a beautiful, fun, happy, messy picture you painted! Love it! <3 Holly @findingmyeverydayhappy
