Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Dear (five minute prompt)


When Blake and I first started dating, he called me “dear”.  It was almost a deal breaker because what 21 year old calls his girlfriend “dear”?  I always that was an old person term of endearment.  Each time he called me “dear”, I would inwardly cringe.  Finally, I got up the gumption to tell him that “dear” couldn’t be our word because it was old.  He was just find with it and we started calling each other “honey” instead.  (This is much before the new term “babe” had entered the endearment category.)  We have continued to call each other “honey” throughout the last 12.5 years of marriage.  I love the sweetness of that name.  It is just fun and light and sweet.  I would never want to switch, just like I would never want to switch him.  We are going to be marking our 13th first date anniversary January 30th.  Can’t believe it has been that long since we met and just fell in love at first sight pretty much.  It was so easy to skip the whole friend thing and go right to the dating/fiancée/marriage thing.  It was second nature.  We were married after knowing each other for six months.  Marrying Blake was the easiest thing I have ever done.  When you know, you know.  And I am so happy I knew.
Me and my love


  1. Love this blog. It seems like you really do have an amazing man. :)

  2. This is a sweet blog post!

    Congrats on your weight loss too...awesome! Of course, you're not trying to lose very much are you? You look great in your pic. Actually, Heather, you are absolutely gorgeous--you have such beautiful eyes! (Oh! and did you know that you're email isn't enabled so I can't reply to your comments.)

  3. This is a sweet blog post!

    Congrats on your weight loss too...awesome! Of course, you're not trying to lose very much are you? You look great in your pic. Actually, Heather, you are absolutely gorgeous--you have such beautiful eyes! (Oh! and did you know that you're email isn't enabled so I can't reply to your comments.)
